We’re the Castor Health Institute

We’re making healthcare training an integral part of the care ecosystem. From getting your certification at the Institute, to employment opportunities at Castor Home Nursing, to having access to Castor Medical Supplies’ inventory of thousands of products — the end result is a comprehensive and integrative experience for both you, the student, and the patients you’ll go on to serve.

Who We Are

CASTOR HEALTH INSTITUTE LLC is part of the Castor group of companies serving in Northern Illinois. The school employs highly qualified instructors that excel in their own fields. Our mission is to prepare students so that they are ready to practice in their chosen careers after the completion of the training and exam. We offer job preparation, placement assistance, and free sessions to prepare for the state competency exam. Castor strives to have a family atmosphere to provide support and guidance needed from a qualified individual. We recognize the importance of constant quality evaluation to better serve the students.

Our mission is to deliver, enhance, and convey a state-of-the-art hands-on education to empower individuals with the skills, knowledge, practical training, and experience needed for a successful career in the growing and rewarding healthcare field.

Our objective is to maintain high standards by recognizing and attending to the various needs of students while providing optimum intellectual, emotional, social, and physical challenges and development. The institute seeks to install in its students the concept that education carries with it an obligation to self, family, and community, and encourages each student to become a compassionate and productive member of society.

Castor maintains an active placement service to assist students in locating career opportunities in the related field. Placement advisement is provided to all our Institute graduates without additional cost.

The continued success of Castor Health Institute is mirrored in the success of our graduates. Our goal is to provide the necessary tools for students to acquire gainful employment in their field of study. We understand that you constantly need qualified candidates working in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Doctor’s offices, Home Health Agencies, and healthcare facilities throughout IL. Our institute can customize the schedule to meet your needs to provide special training or help you to find qualified and motivated professionals for your success.

Number of students graduated
Course schedules offered per year
Average teacher to student ratio

Institute Leadership

Abigayle Miller

Program Manager

Bio coming soon…

Yugan Sakthi

Director of Education

Bio coming soon…


Castor Home Health Solutions