Castor Health Institute

Numerous medicines help to cope with erectile dysfunction (ED) and get hard whenever you need it. However, one may wonder how long the effect will last. This issue is quite pressing as sexual life can be unpredictable and it is hard to say when you will need your erection. Let’s discover more about Cialis as the only medicine of this group that can be taken daily and compare it with other similar remedies.

What is Cialis

Cialis is a brand-name medication that contains the substance tadalafil as an active ingredient. The latter is prescribed for ED treatment and also is helpful for patients with benign hyperplasia or enlarged prostate.

Erectile dysfunction

This condition means the erection is not coming even after stimulation and while having a sexual desire. The reasons for it are numerous and include:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anxiety and depression;
  • alcoholism.

Certain drugs can also promote ED, as well as aging and bad habits. Therefore, ED is often only a symptom of other health issues and it is important to diagnose and cure the main cause of this problem.

How Does Cialis Work

The mechanism of action of all medicines for ED treatment is similar to the one of antihypertension drugs. Actually, they were created in the process of development of the latter.
Thus, they aim to dilute blood vessels and deliver more blood to the penis. That is exactly what is required for a long and strong erection. The thing is that the effect of Cialis is more pronounced for sexual life not for hypertension cure. Still, it lowers blood pressure a bit.

How Long Does Cialis Last

One of the most pressing issues that interest men is the duration of the effect of this medicine. Of course, it is more than crucial to have normal sex without worries about the abrupt ceasing of the erection.

Daily dosage vs. as needed

First, pay attention to the fact that Cialis is prescribed both as a one-time option and on a daily basis. The solution depends on the problem and needs of the patient. The general recommendations are as follows:

  • an everyday dosage is from 2.5 to 5 mg;
  • a one-time dose varies between 5 and 20 mg.

It is better to discuss and select the suitable option with a healthcare provider who will take into account an overall health condition, other diseases and type of ED.

How long does cialis work

The first effects of the medicine are observed half an hour after the intake and they have the strongest influence during the first six hours. Then, an active ingredient stays in the body and still can contribute to better erections.

How Long Does Cialis Stay In Your System

The half-concentration of medication is observed after approximately 17.5 hours. At this point, the overall effect starts to decrease more rapidly. The drug needs the following 17.5 hours to leave the body. That is why the next dose must not be taken earlier than 36 hours after the first intake.

Still, if it is taken at this interval, then the body will experience the effect constantly as most of the time an active ingredient will stay in the bloodstream and produce the action. That is why this drug can be prescribed on a daily basis.

Factors that Can Influence Duration

It is worth mentioning that not only medicine itself but also the overall health condition and lifestyle of the patient influence the outcome. One must not rely on the magic power of the pill. Thus, it is important to keep in mind the following factors related to its action.

Individual factors

As we have already mentioned the individual cause of ED plays a crucial role in its treatment. Thus, when the condition has a psychological nature, even the strongest medicines may not give the desired effect.
Erection is a more complex process than may seem and the brain is involved in it not less than the physiology and blood flow in the penis. Therefore, one should not neglect proper diagnostics and treatment of the primary cause of this problem.

Furthermore, other health issues like obesity, heart disease and diabetes may decrease the effect of this medicine.

Alcohol and food

Cialis, as well as other drugs for ED treatment, must not be combined with alcohol. This will diminish its effect and may lead to severe health outcomes like low blood pressure.

Certain food and drinks may also interact with its active ingredient. Thus, it is known that grapefruit juice is not compatible with Cialis. As for other foods, they can also provide some unpredictable interactions. Therefore, a pill must be taken one hour before or after food with a glass of clear water to avoid any problems.

Drug interactions

It is dangerous to combine this drug with medicines for hypertension treatment. If the latter must be taken on a daily basis, then a healthcare provider should recommend the possible combination and dosage. In any case, such medicines must not be taken simultaneously as they have the same effect on the blood flow and their combination is dangerous for health.

Other medicines, such as some antifungals, are also prohibited from combining with Cialis. That is why talk to your doctor to find out all the details and create a treatment scheme that will not bring any harm.

Health conditions

The greatest attention is required for patients with hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart problems. The thing is that Cialis influences the cardiovascular system and brings an additional load to it. Therefore, the overall condition of the patent must be evaluated to find out the proper decision and dosage for ED treatment.

Patients with a risk of allergic reactions should also be careful, especially while taking this medicine for the first time. It causes allergy rarely, but still, it can happen. That is why it is better to follow the reaction of the body after the first intake.

How to take Cialis

The rules of the intake depend on the condition of the patient and the doctor’s prescription, namely:

  • when the medicine is recommended for one-time usage, it should be taken approximately one hour before having sex and during the following 5 hours the required hardness is guaranteed;
  • if this drug is prescribed on a daily basis, it can be taken in the morning first and then after 36 hours. Still, the maximum effect will be observed during the first six hours after the intake.

Cialis vs Viagra

Viagra contains sildenafil as an active ingredient and was historically the first option to solve this problem. It is utilized as a one-time remedy when the issue is quite pressing. Its effect lasts from four to six hours. An active ingredient stays in the body for 12 hours maximum but it does not have a prolonged action that is observed for cialis.

Cialis vs Levitra

Levitra’s active ingredient is called vardenafil and it kicks within half an hour after the intake. The action is observed during the following 5 hours. Thus, it can also be used only as a one-time option.

Cialis and Alcohol

Medicines for ED treatment must not be combined with alcoholic beverages and Cialis is not an exception. First of all, alcohol can reduce or neutralize their effect and this is true even for a small dose. Furthermore, it contributes to the higher probability of side effects and severe cases of low blood pressure.

Therefore, one has to avoid beverages while using pills for ED treatment to maintain good health and get the desired effect.

Side Effects

Side effects are not very common for this medicine. Sometimes patients report fatigue, headaches, nasal congestion, flushing, back pain and pain in the muscles.

As its active ingredient affects blood flow, misuse or an overdose could lead to dangerously low blood pressure. Therefore, if such signs appear as pain in the chest, difficulties with breathing or feeling of a heart attack, one must immediately ask for medical help and call emergency.

Although such severe side effects are rare, it is important to keep in mind their possibility and be careful.


In a nutshell, Cialis is a great option for maintaining regular and satisfactory sexual life. It is unique as it can be utilized both for a single purpose and on a daily basis. However, one should consult a healthcare provider to select the proper dosage and avoid side effects. In addition, it is worth finding and treating the main cause of difficulties with erections to solve the problem.


How long does it take for Cialis to peak?

The effect starts in half an hour after intake and lasts up to 6 hours. An active ingredient stays in the bloodstream longer and can contribute to better erections even after this time.

How long does a hard on last with Cialis?

This depends on individual factors as well as on the cause of ED. Still, one can rely on this medicine to have a satisfactory sexual experience for several hours.

Does Cialis really last 36 hours?

For this time, an active ingredient of the drug is staying in the body. This does not mean that your erection will last all this time. It will occur when needed more easily during 36 hours.

Is 20 mg of Cialis too much?

This amount can be taken as a single dose in case of a one-time need. The following dose must not be taken earlier than 36 hours.

How long does tadalafil last?

The strongest effect is observed during the first six hours after the intake. Then it is gradually decreasing during the following 30 hours.

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